This beauty ritual explores the sourcing of (edible) ingredients from India. Sandalwood essential oil for example is acquired from steam distillation of the wood from the Sandalwood tree. It has a main chemical component, Alpha santalol which gives provides therapeutic qualities that promotes healthy, smooth skin and can reduce the appearance of scars, wrinkles and blemishes. Both the wood and the oil have been valued for centuries and documented through history for many helpful applications.
It's a good ideafor safety reasons to really know the ethical practices of your essential oil company by evaluating many factors beyond the label. There are no labeling laws so any essential oil on the shelf can be labeled as "Pure" even when the oil is far from it. Synthetic chemicals, pesticides, or cancer culprits like harsh solvents are commonly used to cut or extend the quantity of oil.
Even from just smelling the aroma we can disrupt hormones affecting the adrenals, sexual function, mood, neurological, and auto-immune health. On the other hand, working w/ a Pure Therapeutic Grade essential oil can assist in balancing these functions, supporting the body /mind to greater health. Many of my favorite oil brand's essential oils are even safe for internal use. A drop of Sandalwood on the tongue is pure heaven!
Here is a list of what is needed. Mixing together in a small bowl: