Jupiter and Venus Sittin' in a Tree!
“A wave of pure, and infinite consciousness and an expansion of love filled my heart as I looked up at the sky. ”
I recognized it as Venus right away because it reminded me of a time when I was tucked away in a cabin in the Sierra Nevada foothills w/ a friend. Beauty surround us as we nested in nature. At sunset would would go out to the deck to watch the rise of this bright celestial body. We called it our "love planet" because at the time we had no cell service so we could not confirm what it was but we knew it made us feel oh so good. We fell deep in love. It felt like it was just the three of us left in the world, me, my love, and "our" love planet. There was no moon in the sky because it was also a time of a New moon /Solar eclipse of 2013 around Nov 1st. So many close friends were ending relationships w/ that one and I had finally found love. We did have two visitors that week though that brought us back down to planet earth and reminded us we were not alone. These two lovebirds in the photo below were a sweet and auspicious pair dancing under our planet of love.
This past June though when I had more recently spotted Venus, the planet of love was even appearing brighter, bigger and more intense because it was so low and conjunct Jupiter, the planet of expansion. What is so cool about this current conjunction is the planets have grown closer and closer together until on June 30th (and a few days beyond) they appear to be approximately one-third of a degree apart from one another. As the two stars appear to merge together they will look like an extremely bright and brilliant double-star in the night sky that some are calling what was known as the "Star of Bethlehem". Robert Wilkinson, a lifetime astrologer debunks this theory, but states "the conjunction is at 22 degrees Leo, a degree of a world server, and the return of soul-energies to the central Self after significant experience. It is known also as a degree of practical alignment." http://www.aquariuspapers.com/astrology/2015/06/astrology-in-july-2015-venus-conjunct-jupiter-in-the-setting-sky.html
One of my favorite, fresh astrologers Chani Nicholas also reports:
"Venus in Leo is all about the playful, prideful, possibly boastful outward self-expression of our sexy selves, what we value and how we love. A trine from Uranus in Aries lights up the situation with an excited can’t stop/won’t stop kind of sentiment. Personal breakthroughs in creative endeavors and a sense of revitalizing our heart’s desires and romantic relationships abound. Uranus in Aries adds a much-needed ingredient to make the perfect concoction for personal revolutions that can lead to bigger societal shifts." See more at: http://www.chaninicholas.com/full-moon-horoscopes-for-the-week-of-june-29th/#sthash.3y4xjxmi.dpuf
The sacred geometry symbol in the first image at the top of the post is known as the Vesica Piscis and shows the communion of 2 to create a third. The juicy center is called the "mandorla". Metaphysical philosophy ties this sacred center to the "yoni" which is a symbol of CREATION. Aim (pronounced EYEM) is the seed sound or Bija mantra for CREATION associated w/ the Hindu goddess Saraswati.
“What do you want to create in your life right now? ”
To me this geometry symbol is the fusion of two polarities, opposites coming together. The Sun and Moon perhaps, the feminine and masculine, and it really captures this rare conjunction of two planets that almost never meet coming together for a "kiss". More importantly the geometry and the conjunction remind me that a duality mindset is no longer serving us. Duality thinking locks us into our animal brain where we can't evolve our consciousness. Dr. Pillai, my favorite youtube guru has many teachings explaining the fastest, and easiest way to manifest is by letting go of this duality mindset. This IS the ticket.
In conclusion, there is a Full Moon in Capricorn to boot today and as Venus and Jupiter are sitting in a tree...K-I-S-S-I-N-G. I hope you will find a special moment to set a "CREATION" intention using the mantra Aim, release a duality mindset of what is no longer serving you, and bask in the loving light of these planetary bodies while embracing your BEING!