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Read MoreRead about the wonderful benefits of Petitgrain Essential Oil
Read MoreEssential oils have therapeutic properties that can support one's greater health and wellbeing well beyond the nose. Though this modality may have sounded a little hippy dippy to certain individuals, essential oils are actually gaining acceptance being heavily researched in a multitude of studies for their various benefits. This is not just woo woo, smell good stuff, but complex chemistry that goes way beyond just scent.
The bark, stem, flower, root, or leaf parts of a given plant can be harvested and extracted into an essential oil. These essential oil extracts are actually the defense, immune, or protection properties of a plant. The complex "properties" are a result of evolution! As a particular plant has programmed itself to adapt and survive , up against crazy ice ages, disease, predators, and human sprawl billions of species continue to exist. These essential oil compounds result in a plant's perfection through time.
“Have you ever touched the petal or leaf from a plant then smelled the lovely scent that rubbed off on your hand? The fragrant residue left behind is is the essential oil of the plant. ”
Modern Medicine
Harnessing the power of these plants is not a new field of science. In fact, the "modern medicine" or the meds that doctors prescribe today is derived from plants but replicated in a lab and produced synthetically to save on cost.
We are fortunate enough to live in a time of great medical advancements. In fact America is rated #1 for trauma care. Studies show though that $4.5 trillion per year is spent in the US on health care alone yet the US is rated 52nd out of 60 for healthy people. We spend about 1/2 the worlds global health care budget in the U.S.!
“Are we healthier because of these drugs though?”
Also, the pharma drugs produced from these ancient plants as discussed from above only contain 1 or 2 of the hundreds healing compounds from a plant. This is because science is only advanced enough yet to isolate very few at a time in synthetic form. These incomplete compounds lead to drugs that may address symptoms, but lead to reactions, side effects, addictions, and have nothing to do with getting to the "root" of the problem.
Complete Whole Compounds = "Therapeutic"
On the other hand, just one natural plant extract can contain up to hundreds of constituents at a time. A therapeutic grade Helichrysum essential oil for example, which is harvested in the wild has up to 800 compounds. Modern medicine can't perfect like Mother Nature. Nor does the Helichrysum growing in my backyard contain 800 compounds. This is because location is everything! The indigenous region specific to a plant is where it's species is going to be the most complete, super species if you will, and w / the most therapeutic value.
Aromatic Science
Natural compounds include constituents such as linalool (antibacterial, sedative, anti-fungal, antiviral), sesquiterpenes (supports healthy neurological function) and d-limolene (inhibits growth of cancer cells and highly antiviral) to name a few. Check out to access the latest comprehensive library of published scientific and peer-reviewed studies on essential oils. There is also an "Education" section to become an expert in essential oil science.
“So why haven’t we been using essential oils all along to support our wellness?”
No Label Laws
Historically essential oils have been used for greatly supporting the mind, body, and spirit. Unfortunately, up (until recently) there has not been a quality as safe and pure over the last century. Most essential oil products on the market are adulterated and their production is driven by the perfume industry containing harmful chemicals like pesticides, kerosene, and diacetone alchohol. Diacetone alcohol is found in brake fluid and wood stains. There are no labeling laws so it's easy to put almost anything into an essential oil and label as "Pure". These solvents extend the quantity of the essential oil and are odorless, and have a similar texture to the pure oil so they can go unnoticed. Yes, these toxins are sitting on the shelves of our beloved heath food stores.
Whoot Whoot
The good new is that there is an essential oil REVOLUTION happening right now!!!!!! There is an ethical source that is on a mission to change the standards of the industry completely through rigorous grow, harvest, distillation, and testing methods. This source produces oils that are so PURE many of the oils are safe for internal use and have such therapeutic effects that millions of people are catching on.
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